30 November, 2019

New Deal

By Ismail Malik
Analyst| Middle East
 Trump make his first visit on 29 Nov 2019 in Afghanistan named as Thanks giving visit for US troops. In his visit trump said that US will make new deal with Taliban and 13000 US troops remain in Afghanistan. Trump already had made attempt for deal with Taliban and later cancel peace talk from US side. Now Taliban don't saying anything about any new deal. Trump already mentioned in previous statements that we are going to new deal. In previous peace talk process Trump made plan to meet directly with Taliban in Washington, when he cancel peace talk process, then he reveal his plan which face great critisim from all government officials and public. Now in this situation when he talking about new deal with Taliban then his unannounced and surprise visit in Afghanistan, it pinch back in mind of every sensible person why he doing this? Assume it can be meeting with Taliban in Afghanistan because already he had  cancelled one meeting with Taliban in Washington so may be there are more staring on Trump so he can be decided to Meet Taliban in Afghanistan so he makes unannounced visit in Afghanistan. 

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